Texas Chainsaw Massacre 45th Anniversary Screening

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 45th Anniversary Screening

Haunting hallways since 1974 is the nightmare-inducing sound of chainsaws thanks to horror classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

If you feel up for reliving the terror then you don’t want to miss the 45th anniversary screening at the Metro Arts on the 27th of September.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre follows a family and friend’s outing to visit their grandfather’s grave in Texas. The idyllic afternoon turns terrifying after they stumble on Leatherface and his family.

Embodying the original Leatherface is Gunnar Hansen, who plays the crazed cannibal at the head of a family of psychopaths out to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting visitors.

Those over 18 that feel up for needing the night light to go to bed after the show can book tickets online.

The movie screens from 9:45 pm in the Epsom Lumen Room.


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