Kevin Rudd: The PM Years
Kevin Rudd: The PM Years

Kevin Rudd: The PM Years

Join us for an in-conversation with former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as he chats with ABC Radio’s Steve Austin about his new autobiography, The PM Years – an insight into “the coup that killed Australian politics.”

Less than three years after taking government in a landslide election victory, Kevin Rudd was ousted by his deputy and the factional powerbrokers of the Australian Labor Party, the ‘Faceless Men’, despite having strong personal and party approval ratings. No prime minister including Rudd has since seen out a full term before being dethroned by their own caucus. But how did party games in Canberra spiral so catastrophically out of control?

After years of silence, the 26th Prime Minister of Australia is finally on the record about his time in government, in this second volume of his autobiography. This is the memoir of a prime minister full of energy and ideals, while battling the greatest trials of the modern age. This is Kevin Rudd’s response to the ultimate political – and personal – betrayal.

Kevin Rudd will be signing books after the event, with Riverbend Books selling copies.

 Writers+Ideas is supported by O’Neill Architecture

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