In Conversation – Tom Nicholson & Dale Harding

In Conversation – Tom Nicholson & Dale Harding

Join Tom Nicholson and Dale Harding in conversation as they discuss their respective practices, histories present in their work, and their shared exploration of methods of wall drawing.

In Nicholson’s work, the line is a tool for writing, drawing and redrawing borders, evoking little known histories and intersections, and expanding into the space of possibility through abstraction. His exhibition Drawings and correspondence is on display at the IMA until 2 June 2018.

A descendent of the Bidjara, Ghungalu, and Garingbal peoples, Harding’s recent work Wall Composition in Reckitt’s Blue, commissioned for the Queensland Art Gallery’s Australian art collection takes inspiration from the rock paintings in and around Carnarvon Gorge in Central Queensland.

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