Bach Music in the Castle of Heaven – Brisbane Baroque

Bach Music in the Castle of Heaven – Brisbane Baroque

Bach was an ordinary man who wrote extraordinary music. Asked for the secret of his musical success, he replied: “I was obliged to be industrious; whoever is equally industrious will succeed equally well.” Modesty probably forbade him to mention that one also needed genius.

For this Gala Bach Celebration, The Australian Voices under the inspired direction of Gordon Hamilton, and a group of exciting young vocal and instrumental soloists including star soprano Greta Bradman, British tenor Nicholas Scott, virtuoso violinists Ioana Tache and Kristian Winther and organist Christopher Wrench join forces with members of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra directed by rising star Australian conductor Jessica Cottis to celebrate the marvel of Bach’s music, both sacred and secular.

Three centuries after the composer’s birth, his imperishable compositions remain as powerful, inspiring and beautiful as when first heard, fresh and new-minted.

*The title of this concert is a salute to Sir John Eliot Gardiner’s magisterial study of Bach’s music.

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