Tempus by Circa Zoo

Tempus by Circa Zoo

What happens when time is strict and forced? When rhythm is free and unconfined? Tempus is an uplifting and stunning new show by Circa’s youth ensemble where 14 acrobats will flip, fly and contort across a stage, exploring the possibilities of time and gravity and the consequences of breaking free.

Over 55 carefully counted minutes this talented group of young performers will take you on a vivid imaginative journey, contrasting free-flowing acrobatics against the rigid tick of a metronome.

Traditional circus acts like juggling, trapeze, hula-hoops and Chinese pole are blended with the unexpected, including hoverboards and original musical compositions by one of the members of the ensemble.

Colourful and heart-warming, Tempus is perfect for the holidays, an acrobatic night out the whole family will enjoy.

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