Tales of a Time Travelling Songstress

Tales of a Time Travelling Songstress

Written by Bobbie-Jean Henning
Presented by Judith Wright Centre & Playful Productions

Tales of a Time Travelling Songstress tells the story of a young, cabaret singer adrift in time. Kittie – born 1912 – finds herself in 2016 with a wildly entertaining array of songs from her travels. She’ll charm you with talk of her tumultuous adventures then take you along for the ride!

 Join Kittie as she whisks you through time sharing stories of heartache and hope, and her exquisite vocals, all to a backdrop of hand drawn art and live piano. Featuring the music of Nat King Cole, Sia, Fleetwood Mac, a handful of music theatre classics and maybe even a little yodelling…

Tales of a Time Travelling Songstress is an eclectic evening of music, love stories, laughs and an absolutely gorgeous frock.

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