Spring Fling at The Prince Consort
Spring Fling at The Prince Consort
Spring Fling at The Prince Consort
Spring Fling at The Prince Consort
Spring Fling at The Prince Consort

Spring Fling at The Prince Consort

Spring marks the arrival of a bounty of blooms, beautiful weather and a line-up of enticing events that are giving us plenty of excuses to celebrate. You can experience this and more at Fortitude Valley’s The Prince Consort, which is delivering a spectacular selection of soirees for this year’s Spring Fling. The enchanting five-week event will see the entertainment venue transform into a real-life botanical garden where revellers can paint with drag queens, indulge in sumptuous seafood and take part in some disco debauchery.

Head to The Prince Consort website for further information on all of the Spring Fling events and to grab tickets.

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