

A group exhibition of online artworks by queer artists working in digital media.

The QueerTech.io project will be embedded at Brisbane Powerhouse for spectacular data-projections which complement the QueerTech.io online exhibition.

Responding to the growing international inquiry into practices of #queertech in digital art circles, the QueerTech.io curatorium (Alison Bennett, Travis Cox, Xanthe Dobbie & Mark Payne) have invited artists from around the world to come together digitally, physically and oh-so-queerly to contribute internet artworks, projects and provocations to the ongoing #queertech conversation.

Harnessing the power of digital technology, QueerTech.io will be showcased simultaneously at Brisbane Powerhouse and down in Melbourne at the Midsumma Testing Grounds as well as through the online http://QueerTech.io website.

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