Meet Dr Kailas Roberts

Meet Dr Kailas Roberts

Over 400,000 Australians are currently living with dementia, yet misunderstanding about the condition is widespread. Few people realise they can take action to lessen their chances of its developing. There are also effective interventions and treatments now available to address dementia-related symptoms.

Dr Kailas Roberts works as a specialist in memory loss and dementia. In Mind Your Brain he brings a wealth of knowledge from his medical practice and presents it in plain and accessible language. He explains how dementia affects the brain and body, what to expect in the event of a diagnosis, and how to manage each step along the way.

Join psychiatrist and author Dr Kailas Roberts as he discusses his new book Mind Your Brian, an invaluable guide for people with dementia, their carers and loved ones, and for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy brain.Books will be available for purchase on the day, or bring your copy from home to be signed.

To reserve your place, visit Eventbrite or phone the library.

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