Living Patterns – QAGOMA
Queensland Art Gallery’s newest exhibition, Living Patterns, premieres this Saturday and is set to spotlight contemporary Australian artists such as Scott Redford, Jemima Wyman, Kamilaroi artist Reko Rennie and many more. Focusing on the way audiences perceive and react to artistic elements such as colour, shape and form, many of the works in the exhibition convey how motifs and symbols from all artistic lineages – recent and ancient – can be applied in new and innovative ways. While some artworks may look as though they have no resemblance to a physical object at first glance, they are in fact full of encoded cultural knowledge that is shown through the artists dynamic works. Living Patterns takes a political approach to abstractions, addressing how concealment is used differently by the powerful and vulnerable, in a contemporary society that regards transparency as a high value.
Eager to experience this engaging exhibition? Living Patterns will take over Queensland Art Gallery from September 23 to February 11, 2024. For more information on the showcase and its accompanied cinema program, head to the QAGOMA website.