Information Session on Prostate Cancer
Information Session on Prostate Cancer

Information Session on Prostate Cancer

The Wesley Hospital is holding a free information session for the general public on Prostate Cancer on Saturday, 7 February.

Expert speakers will include renowned Urologist Dr John Yaxley; Men’s Health Specialist Dr Michael Gillman from the Pelvic Medicine Centre; a specialised incontinence physiotherapist and a nurse counsellor.

The session is aimed at recently diagnosed patients or anyone interested in finding out more about prostate cancer – the diagnosis, the treatment options and how to manage the side effects.

Refreshments will be provided.

To register your interest or for further information, please email [email protected], call 3232 6025 or go to

Remember men, often prostate cancer has no symptoms. Early detection is key. If you’re over 40 years old, talk to your GP about getting tested today!

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