

Femel_Fissions traces the historical influence of women on scientific discovery and research through newly commissioned works from leading Australian and international artists.

Featuring seven contemporary female art/science practitioners, Femel_Fissions will showcase works that have been created in response to groundbreaking discoveries by female scientists from the last three centuries, exploring the fields of neurology, biology, cytogenetics, psychology, primatology and anatomy.

Breaking down the boundaries and drawing commonalities between art and science, Femel_Fissions shows that both the artist’s studio and the scientist’s laboratory are sites for unrestricted inquiry and experimentation in this unique exhibition.

CONFLUENCE: Femel_Fissions Symposium
Join us for CONFLUENCE on Tuesday July 19, a one-day symposium that will present and discuss the dynamic ideas, hybrid outcomes and innovation that occur when art and science collide in practice.

Trish Adams
Tarsh Bates
Gina Czarnecki
Svenja Kratz
Rachael Mayeri
Helen Pynor
Jillian Scott

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