Cheese to Please Festival

Cheese to Please Festival

We know this news might sound a bit un-brie-lievable, but you cheddar believe it – Brisbane’s biggest cheese festival is coming. The Cheese To Please Festival will be an eclectic mix of all things cheese, charcuterie, condiments, wine, craft beer and ciders to name a few.

Where do you even begin when it comes to cheeses? Which are mild, and which are tasty? And when did generic “blue cheese” expand into 38 different varieties? The only place to be is the Cheese To Please Festival where you will indulge in a cheese tasting journey. Learn all about your favourite cheese and how to craft the perfect cheese platter whilst enjoying wine and beer masterclasses at the same time.

Located in the scenic garden and river location of Newstead House, get ready to chill out and relax with a cheese extravaganza whilst listening to some great live music and entertainment on Sunday October 1. Inspired by love of the cheese, the Cheese To Please Festival will quite simply take you into a tasting heaven.

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