Chant for Peace Kirtan Festival

Chant for Peace Kirtan Festival

The United Nations International Day of Peace (World Peace Day) was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Each year World Peace Day is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. It calls on the people of the world to remember their common humanity and join together to build a future free of strife.

On Sunday September 18, we will celebrate World Peace Day with ‘Chant for Peace’ Kirtan Festival.

For the world to be peaceful we need to be peaceful within ourselves, but how can we find inner-peace? We can find inner-peace in sacred sound or mantra. So let’s join together and celebrate World Peace Day by immersing ourselves in an evening of blissful kirtan meditation and take that journey together as true brothers and sisters to a world of inner peace and harmony.

Guests can expect:

  • a great Band lineup including Pralad ’n the Chants, The Kirtanista Sistas, Yadudes and Tribal Flow
  • soothing Mantra breath meditation
  • a fantastic variety of kirtan styles from beautiful, mellow sacred sound to joyous, up-beat Mantra Rock.
  • tribal Dance Fusion
  • traditional Indian dance
  • lots of wonderful prizes and giveaways
  • total immersion in transcendental sound
  • food vendors with tasty vego/vegan food

Cultivate inner-peace and harmony and find your inner-bliss at Chant for Peace’ Kirtan Festival. This is  a free event. Online registration essential.


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