Burrata Demonstration and 7-Course Degustation

Burrata Demonstration and 7-Course Degustation

Massimo Restaurant is hosting an interactive burrata demonstration and 7-course degustation with paired Italian wines. The event will take place in Massimo’s private dining room, situated in prime riverfront positioning with unparalleled views of the Brisbane River, Story Bridge and Kangaroo Point Cliffs. Featuring special guests (and the venue’s long-standing local cheese supplier), Tambourine Cheese, performing a live, interactive burrata making demonstration to educate guests on the fine art of Italian cheese making. The degustation menu is a celebration of local and highly seasonal produce, prepared in ways inspired by the rich and diverse flavours of the Italian region. Each course will be paired with a glass of wine sourced from various Italian provenances. The calibre of wines spans from sparkling prosecco, to full-bodied reds and crisp whites, plus more!

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