Blackout – #Urbancircus

Blackout – #Urbancircus

BLACKOUT the #urbancircus! A show where the cool kids from circus school, seasoned street performers, singers & dancers, all come together to tell a story.

You’ll be immersed in a cloak of darkness.. exploring a variety of interesting concepts & ideas, while this story of collaboration and connection carries you throughout the evening.

Your idea of circus might include a red haired clown, juggling underneath a weathered big top. But BLACKOUT guarantees an urban & modern twist, enabling you to experience circus in a way that you never have before. The scene will be set from the moment you walk in; submerging you into a mystifying & unique atmosphere. Without giving too much away, the insanely talented cast are just oozing with tricks and skills that will electrify the stage in ways that you never knew was possible!!

Created with all ages in mind, BLACKOUT welcomes & includes everyone. This show is an exploration of light and movement that keeps you wanting more, delivering an entertaining night for the entire family.

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