‘A Splash of Colour' with 2020 Artist-in-Residence, Michelle Pujol

‘A Splash of Colour’ with 2020 Artist-in-Residence, Michelle Pujol

In this workshop, Michelle will start with some basic watercolour techniques. She will guide students through the soft layering of colour before adding more details to the finished illustration with ink. Once confident with some of these techniques, the group will head out into the gardens to practice their new skills. 

Michelle believes that drawing plants is a great way to reconnect to nature whilst still being able to practice your skills whether you are a beginner or a practicing artisan. Watercolour washes and layering teaches students to be creative with what is at hand and the confidence to start a daily/weekly visual journal and enjoy just the relaxation of sketching and painting.

Requirements:  A part of this workshop will be held outdoors. Be sun smart and bring a fold-up chair if required. Part of the workshop is during lunch so feel free to pack a light portable lunch.  All materials are supplied. Participants are welcome to bring their own visual diaries/ journals and materials if they wish.

Location: Auditorium

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