5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche

Earth may be on the brink of destruction but NOTHING could be worse than MEAT IN A QUICHE! It had audiences rolling in the aisles during MELT, now the uproarious comedy 5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche makes its triumphant return to Brisbane Powerhouse. It’s 1956 and the Cold War is at its peak. Western civilisation is under constant threat of Communist attack. But even total annihilation won’t stop the charming widows of the Susan B Anthony Society For The Sisters Of Gertrude Stein from getting together and celebrating at their annual Quiche Breakfast.

5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche is the award winning, Off-Broadway smash, that took America, then Brisbane, by storm and will have audiences coming back for second helpings!

WINNER Best Overall Production NY Fringe 2012

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