Oktoberfest Sausage Challenge

Oktoberfest Sausage Challenge

Do you love a good snag? Do you love a good snag so much that you reckon you would be able to scoff a large number of them down for competitive purposes? If so, you’re in luck – Bavarian Bier Cafe are challenging you to the Ultimate Sausage Eating Competition!

This little throwdown is no joke, people. Want proof? The current record is held by a New Zealander who was somehow able to defy both logic and human biology by inhaling eight sausages in one minute. That’s eight whole friggin’ sausages, man! #prayingforyou

But that was back in 2011, and this is now. Now it’s time to see if an Aussie can step up and snatch the title of Sausage Champion. Here’s how it works – six contenders can take on the challenge across three heats at each location. Prizes include a $1000 dining voucher for contenders who beat the record and a $500 bar tab at each venue for the fastest time across the three heats – certainly worth a bit of indigestion, no?

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