Sven Swenson’s Tiptoe

Acclaimed Brisbane playwright Sven Swenson (The Truth About Kookaburras/Angel Gear) presents this uniquely-Australian psychological thriller from The Sundial Plays.

On New Year’s Eve, 1918, Angus Drummond and Seth McClusky, two recently returned soldiers, sneak away to a broken down humpy to tend to their home-made still. However, on this particular evening, much darker events shall unfold, with far-reaching consequences. Six weeks later, on Valentine’s Day, the notorious Binny Broadfoot has had a day of ill-omens. A knock on the door signals Binny’s premonition of unexpected company. A death will follow. Of that, Binny is certain.

As these two timeframes unfold simultaneously, each character desperately clings to their vision of a perfect life. But what price are they willing to pay?!

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