QPAC Watercooler Chats

QPAC Watercooler Chats

QPAC Watercooler Chats are a series of fortnightly conversations about news and issues relating to the work that QPAC does. Topics range from arts to digital innovation, festivals, technology and more. Chats are lead by our Scholar in Residence Professor Judith McLean, as well as other members of the organisation. For our current Watercooler chat, click here.

What is #QPACCHAT?

We invite you to join these watercooler-style discussions in real-time on Twitter using the hashtag #QPACchat. Chats are informal and don’t require in depth or previous knowledge of the issue at hand, however any background materials will be provided on this page prior to the conversation.

How does it work?

Join the conversation on Twitter by following us @QPAC and using the hashtag #QPACchat. You will need to have a Twitter account set up to do this.

We’ll announce the topic on the Thursday prior to our #QPACchat, and add any background materials to this page. If you have any questions, please contact us @QPAC on Twitter or email [email protected]


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