NAIDOC Week Film Night at Brisbane Powerhouse

NAIDOC Week Film Night at Brisbane Powerhouse

Join us for a special NAIDOC Week Film Night at Brisbane Powerhouse on Friday 12 July 2024. Celebrating First Nations cinema and storytelling, this event is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Indigenous culture and artistry on Friday July 12.

Film Lineup:

Marungka Tjalatjunu (Dipped In Black) [MA15+]
Directed by Derik Lynch & Matthew Thorne
Duration: 25 minutes

Experience the mesmerising journey of Derik Lynch, a queer Yankunytjatjara artist, as he returns to his hometown of Aputula to perform a sacred dance on his ancestral Inmar ground. Marungka Tjalatjunu (Dipped In Black) is a multi-disciplinary film and photographic art project that delves into Derik’s childhood memories, offering a profound exploration of growing up in Central Australia.

Intermission: 10 minutes
Take a break and indulge in refreshments during our brief intermission.

The New Boy [MA13+]
Written & Directed by Warwick Thornton
Starring Aswan Reid, Deborah Mailman, Wayne Blair, and Cate Blanchett
Duration: 116 minutes

Set in a remote monastery in 1940s Australia, The New Boy follows the journey of a young Aboriginal orphan boy who is brought into a Christian mission run by a renegade nun. As he encounters Jesus for the first time, his Indigenous spirituality clashes with the mission’s Christianity, leading to a gripping tale of spiritual struggle and the quest for truth.

Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate Indigenous voices and narratives through the power of cinema. Join us for a memorable NAIDOC Week Film Night at Brisbane Powerhouse. Entry is free or you choose to pay what wish. Register here.

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