Damian Callinan
Damian Callinan
Damian Callinan
Damian Callinan

Damian Callinan

A chance finding of a diary in an op shop takes Callinan on an exploration of the ANZAC legend.

Obsessed from a young age by the ANZAC legend and intrigued by the mystery surrounding two diggers from a family photo, Damian sets out on a quest to put names to the faces. The discovery of a war diary in an op shop finally links him to the legend.

Renowned stand-up and character comedian, Callinan brings to life the pages of the diary. Combining detailed research, hilarious but believable characterisations, black humour, absurdity and deft writing to swing the mood of the story from rollicking farce to aching pathos in a heart beat.


NOMINEE Best Comedy, Perth Fringe World 2015

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