World Expeditions' Australia and New Zealand Road Show
World Expeditions' Australia and New Zealand Road Show

World Expeditions’ Australia and New Zealand Road Show

If you’ve ever dreamt of packing a swag and setting off to explore Kakadu National Park or getting acquainted with the wonders of South Australia’s Heysen Trail or Western Australia’s Bungle Bungles trek, mark June 14 in the calendar for World Expeditions’ Australia and New Zealand Road Show.
Don’t miss your chance to discover the Australian and New Zealand wilderness you never knew existed. It’s the ideal night to learn more, ask questions and be inspired by beautiful images. There will be special prizes for guests that join us on the night so register below!
World Expeditions’ Australia walking expert Toni Wythes will outline the most spectacular and unique collection of active adventures available to you in your own backyard. There are also a wide range of New Zealand Cycle Trails trips available over the summer including the legendary Otago Rail Trail and Alps to Ocean. World Expeditions offers self-guided tours, multi-activity and family adventures, so come along to the evening to find out which trips are right for you.
Plus, there will be lucky door prizes courtesy of Paddy Pallin. Seating is limited – so jump over here to reserve your place now.

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