Be entertained by plate smashing alongside traditional sweets at Ilias the Greek
Be entertained by plate smashing alongside traditional sweets at Ilias the Greek
Be entertained by plate smashing alongside traditional sweets at Ilias the Greek
Be entertained by plate smashing alongside traditional sweets at Ilias the Greek

Be entertained by plate smashing alongside traditional sweets at Ilias the Greek

The Greeks have always had a habit of smashing plates, but its not because they don’t want to wash dishes. The breaking of plates is a time-honoured tradition brought about by the idea of kefi, which translates to good spirits, passion and enthusiasm, and when the soul and body are overwhelmed with exuberance the outlet is to smash plates. It is also believed that the practice can ward off evil spirits, bring good luck or show appreciation.

Ilias Katsapouikidis, or Ilias the Greek, is known to dress up in traditional Greek costume and smash plates at the local markets around Brisbane. Ilias is a passionate food lover who creates a delicious range of sweets and pastries including baklava, halva, nougat and pastelli, all based on traditional family recipes. He recalls huge feasts in his village in northern Greece where family members would bring their signature dishes to contribute – Aunty Irene would present her famous pastelli, Mum her aromatic baklava and Yia-Yia Kitsa her halva.

Ilias the Greek can be found at all the Jan Powers markets, Queen Street Mall Farmers Market, Powerhouse Farmers Market, Mitchelton Farmers Market and Manly Farmers Market. Ilias’s love of Greek food and customs is evident in his energetic display of entertainment involving other market stallholders and market dwellers in his singing, dancing and plate carnage. All of this in absolute celebration of life itself. Opa!

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