Ditch the flowers and give the gift of gin with Small Batch Gift Co.

Ditch the flowers and give the gift of gin with Small Batch Gift Co.

Forget flowers, wine and chocolates – gin is in, and it's the way to everyone's heart. If you're stuck for a gift idea, then you need Small Batch Gift Co. in your life. The modern gifting service creates fancy packages with rad things like Australian craft gin and delivers them straight to your door. Well, maybe not your door ... unless you're sending yourself a gift (ain't nothing wrong with that). more

The Weekend Series: five fitness ideas so fun you’ll forget you’re exercising

The Weekend Series: five fitness ideas so fun you’ll forget you’re exercising

We know, we know – exercise is a pain. But if you want that rockin’ bod you’re going to have to get off your tuchus and start getting active at some point. Much like studying, we’ve heard that the best way to put in some solid hours is if you can make it fun. With that in mind, we’ve scouted around and found some activities that are so fun that it won’t even feel as if you’re exercising. Get ready to climb, dance and drink (yep, you heard us) those lethargic blues away – fitness just got fun. more

Jazz up your jeans collection at Service Denim's new Byron Bay boutique

Jazz up your jeans collection at Service Denim’s new Byron Bay boutique

Jeans will forever be the universal wardrobe staple. If you've worn all of your favourites into the ground and have found yourself on the hunt for some new additions, then perhaps a road trip south to Byron Bay is in order. Melbourne-born Service Denim has recently opened a new boutique in the heart of Byron Bay, showcasing some of the best and most renowned brands in the wonderful world of denim. more

The Weekend Series: five shows to binge-watch in October

The Weekend Series: five shows to binge-watch in October

A scorching summer fast approaches, which means that it will be prime Netflix and chill weather. By that we mean, turn up the air conditioning and stay indoors binge-watching the latest and greatest shows. As we move further into the second half of 2017, we get closer to the arrival of some fantastic new shows and follow up seasons to our faves. We’ve put together a quick list of shows coming to or recently released on streaming services. Mark your calendars and stock up on snacks – it’s going to be a blockbuster summer. more

The Weekend Series: Bitcoin, blockchain and bamboozlement – making sense of cryptocurrency

The Weekend Series: Bitcoin, blockchain and bamboozlement – making sense of cryptocurrency

You’ve heard the buzz, read about it online and seen its logos pop up at shops and eateries, but what do you really know about Bitcoin? If you are like us, you are as clueless as a camel at the North Pole. Cryptocurrency has been increasing in prominence since being invented in 2009, but to us laypeople it hasn’t exactly become easier to understand. That being said, quite a few people are making a big deal out of this new technology, so we decided it would be a good idea to figure out what the heck it’s all about and see if we can break it down in a handy, easy-to-digest format. more

Wish you were here – Emma Mulholland channels vacay vibes for new label Holiday

Wish you were here – Emma Mulholland channels vacay vibes for new label Holiday

Who doesn’t love holidays? When we think about the chance to take a break, kick back and max out our relaxing, we get a little bit giddy with excitement. One person who has accurately captured the aesthetic of vacation vibes is Emma Mulholland, the Sydney designer who has taken a departure from her signature style to create a brand-new label. Let Holiday The Label take you someplace dreamy– go on, you’ve earned it. more

The Weekend Series: spoil your old man with some Father’s Day gifts that don’t suck

The Weekend Series: spoil your old man with some Father’s Day gifts that don’t suck

We don’t mean to alarm you, but Father’s Day is this weekend. On Sunday September 3, dads all over the country will be showered with gifts of all kinds. If this realisation has caused a moderate amount of alarm, we urge you not to panic. Just because you may or may not have forgotten to get a present this year is no excuse to opt for a cop-out gift. You’ve still got a bit of time to put an order in for something special, and it just so happens we’ve got a handy list of gift ideas that don’t totally blow! No need to thank us, we’re just doing our duty. It’s the dads that deserve your thanks – they helped to give you the gift of life, after all. more

Explore timeless beauty with jewellery from Currumbin Valley's Ribs & Dust

Explore timeless beauty with jewellery from Currumbin Valley’s Ribs & Dust

There are two types of jewellery – the fashion-accessory type, and the heirlooms. You know, the pieces that are passed down from generation to generation. In a wild world of mass-produced jewellery and accessories, it's brands like Ribs & Dust that truly stand out. If you're on the lookout for a timeless piece, the hand-crafted goodness from this Currumbin Valley-based jeweller could be just what you're after. more

The Weekend Series: five must-visit travel destinations you haven't heard of

The Weekend Series: five must-visit travel destinations you haven’t heard of

When the travel bug bites, no salve or balm will stop the itch. The only way to get rid of it is to pack a bag, jump on a plane get go exploring. While we’d never turn our noses up at a holiday, sometimes the run-of-the-mill travel destinations aren’t enough. We want new experiences, we want to get off the beaten track, and we want to see the parts of the world that are unique and exciting. We’ve picked five magical destinations that are not only must-visit locations but also are spots you might not have heard of before. more

EPØKHE opens its first Byron Bay eyewear boutique

EPØKHE opens its first Byron Bay eyewear boutique

EPØKHE, the renowned eyewear brand that puts a stylish spin on classic optical shapes, has officially opened the doors to a rad new boutique in Byron Bay. The new showcase is set in the Byron Bay Industrial Precinct, which is an emerging hub that is home to a number of creative local businesses like photographers, designers, surfers and musicians. Take a look inside ... more

The Weekend Series: five things we are vibing on in August

The Weekend Series: five things we are vibing on in August

In our opinion, August tends to be less appreciated than other months of the year. Perhaps it’s because it’s the last winter month before the delights of spring arrive, or maybe were too busy not ignoring how fast the year has gone that we purposely don’t acknowledge that August exists, but the middle child of the yearly dozen never fails to bring some exciting happenings to the table. This August is packed with coolness, including news of bars serving canned cocktails, cracking new television shows, handy technological accessories and more. See, if you paid attention to August every once in a while, perhaps you’d see all it has to offer. more

The Weekend Series: catch up on all the big announcements from San Diego Comic-Con

The Weekend Series: catch up on all the big announcements from San Diego Comic-Con

The weekend just gone was a big one for anyone that loves blockbuster movie and television announcements. San Diego Comic-Con is one of the biggest yearly sci-fi and pop-culture conventions in the world, with production studios using the event to make huge announcements on hot properties in the realm of cinema and TV. This year was no different, with new trailers being released for dozens of highly anticipated shows and films. If you were too busy on the weekend to refresh your YouTube homepage, we’ve compiled a list of the must-watch trailers so you aren’t out of the loop when your friends and co-workers start raving with excitement. more

The Weekend Series: the best binge-watch worthy shows of 2017 (so far)

The Weekend Series: the best binge-watch worthy shows of 2017 (so far)

It’s been a pretty stellar year as far as television is concerned. Some of the ‘already greats’ returned for killer new seasons, while some fresh faces drummed up an incredible amount of hype. With the new season of Game of Thrones fast approaching, now is the time to catch up on these shows before you are consumed by the world of dragons, wildlings and white walkers. To make it easier, we’ve picked five of the best binge-watch worthy shows of 2017 so far. more

Embrace the travelling spirit with threads from Olas Supply Co.

Embrace the travelling spirit with threads from Olas Supply Co.

If you've travelled the world, you'll be lucky enough to have brought a heart full of memories back with you (well, some of them we leave over there ... just some). Gold Coast-based clothing brand Olas Supply Co. was born out of a love of adventure and travel. With its distinctive and casual style, the local label embraces cultures from around the world through its collection of threads for men and women. more

The Weekend Series: be inspired by five winners from the Cannes Lions awards

The Weekend Series: be inspired by five winners from the Cannes Lions awards

When you win big at an event called the International Festival of Creativity, you know you are on to something with your ideas. Cannes Lions – which recently celebrated its 64th iteration – welcomed work from almost 100 countries across the fields of creative communications, entertainment, design and tech to celebrate progress and innovation and acknowledge those using creativity as a positive force in the world. While there were a huge amount of quality entries, we’ve picked our five favourite winners that produced some awe-inspiring work. more