The Weekend Series: totally legit tax hacks to maximise your dollar bills

The Weekend Series: totally legit tax hacks to maximise your dollar bills

When it comes down to it, you can’t cheat the taxman. You (or someone you know) may be all for fudging a few figures here and there to make your yearly return a little more lush, but keeping it legit is definitely the way to go when it comes to anything financial – you don’t want to end up in a Caleb Nichol a la The OC type situation, after all. If you play your cards right you can maximise your return without any risk of landing yourself in hot water – we’ve rounded up a few tips to help you out before the new financial year rolls around. Make it rain, folks! more

The Weekend Series: five podcasts you should definitely be listening to

The Weekend Series: five podcasts you should definitely be listening to

Much like MSG, high fructose corn syrup and checking Instagram every 20 minutes to see what your ex is up to (don’t act like you don’t know), podcasts are seriously addictive. Whether you’re killing time on a morning commute, trying to distract yourself from the searing pain in your quads during a run or just need time to chill out, there’s pretty much a podcast for every occasion. There are heaps of titles out there blowing up internationally that you have probably come across, but we are here to shine a light on some of the best podcasts that you may not have heard of yet. more

Gents, warm up in brand-new winter knits from McTavish

Gents, warm up in brand-new winter knits from McTavish

So, there's no denying that winter is well and truly here. Luckily, Byron Bay-based surf brand McTavish has you covered from head to toe with its new collection of new-season knits and apparel. If you like to keep your threads simple, clean and fresh, then this new range of apres-surf gear will be the perfect addition to your wardrobe. more

Marshmallow cafes to virtual reality cocktails – five things we are vibing on in June

Marshmallow cafes to virtual reality cocktails – five things we are vibing on in June

As we approach the middle of the year we start to rug up and brace for the full force of winter. It’s only natural for us to let our beach bods go a little bit as we indulge in comfort food, and boy do we have a few morsels to drool over this month! We can’t get enough of sweet treats and fusion eats, which is why we are crushing on the concept of marshmallow cafes, bouquets of Nutella doughnuts and pho-filled burritos. Sounds outlandish, right? It doesn’t make it any less real, friend. Check out our June vibes and join us in our food fantasy. more

The Weekend Series: five visually striking indoor plants for beginners

The Weekend Series: five visually striking indoor plants for beginners

If you aren’t enough of a responsible adult yet to care for a pet or child, there is always one option for sating your paternal instincts. A plant doesn’t talk back, nor does it cry at odd hours of the night. If you are keen to start caring for a leafy baby or two, we suggest branching (get it?) out and going with a plant that is a little bit different than your run-of-the-mill succulent. We’ve picked five plants to start with that are not only easy to care for but also fun to look at. more

The best of both worlds – MR PORTER and Gucci team up for a killer capsule collection

The best of both worlds – MR PORTER and Gucci team up for a killer capsule collection

When it comes to fashion, it’s hard to resist a good collaboration. Two geniuses are better than one, right? In an industry where boundaries are constantly being pushed and tested, it’s always nice to see big-time names coming together to create sartorial magic. Lucky for us, the teams from award-winning men’s style online destination MR PORTER and iconic luxury fashion house Gucci have teamed up to bring us a capsule collection that celebrates the best of each brand. more

The Weekend Series: long weekend leisure – five fun things to do over Easter

The Weekend Series: long weekend leisure – five fun things to do over Easter

It’s not often that we get a long weekend, but over the next month we have three! The Easter long weekend is an extra long one, with public holidays taking place on Friday and Monday, so that leaves a few extra days to fill. While many of us are thinking about catching up on some life admin in between hot cross bun binges, it’s also an ideal time to try fun and exciting things! This is the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself and catch up on some of the best things happening right now. Don’t waste four days in a chocolate-induced coma – hop to these five long weekend activities. more

Embrace the cool with new-season threads from The Academy Brand

Embrace the cool with new-season threads from The Academy Brand

Fellas, there's a little bit of chill in the air, which means it's time to start thinking about your autumn and winter wardrobe. If you're one to keep it clean and classic, then you'd best give The Academy Brand your attention, because the label's new collection is brimming with new-season threads that will have you looking crisp. more

The Undercurrent's first collection is the Gold Coast to a tee

The Undercurrent’s first collection is the Gold Coast to a tee

We a love a good tee. We love local art. Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, we love the Gold Coast. As you can imagine, we were understandably excited when whispers emerged that those three elements were being combined in the first collection from rad new Gold Coast-born label, The Undercurrent. Pals, the tees have dropped and the artist-driven brand has officially launched – it's time to rep your hood! more

The Weekend Series: treat yo’self – five boutique hotels for a swanky staycation Brisbane and the Gold Coast

The Weekend Series: treat yo’self – five boutique hotels for a swanky staycation Brisbane and the Gold Coast

If you’ve been working yourself to the bone lately, thoughts have probably drifted towards the prospect of taking a holiday. Unfortunately for most of us, taking an extended amount of time off isn’t possible at this point in time, but that doesn’t mean a vacation must elude us. We are all for the idea of staycations – cheeky weekend sojourns to the fanciest hotel in town. You don’t have to travel far to live it up – both Brisbane and the Gold Coast boast a collection of gorgeous hotels where you can live like a baller for a weekend. We’ve collated a quick list of five excellent boutique hotels in Brisbane and the Gold Coast that make for a perfect staycation spot when you need to recharge your batteries. more

Billabong X Andy Warhol collection brings art to the ocean

Billabong X Andy Warhol collection brings art to the ocean

Gold Coast-born surf giant Billabong has dropped an exclusive surf apparel and accessories collaboration with one of the world's most iconic names – Andy Warhol. In a mutual desire to challenge convention, the new collection explores and showcases Andy Warhol’s little-known fascination with surf culture. more

The Weekly High Five: risky fashion, making it rain and selfish cakes

The Weekly High Five: risky fashion, making it rain and selfish cakes

In regards to goals, someone much wiser than I once said, “It ain’t about how fast I get there, it ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side – it’s the climb.” Even if your feelings towards inspirational songs performed by former child stars aren’t exactly positive, you’ve got to admit that the girl has got a point – the journey towards achieving something is just as crucial as the end game. Make your journey a fulfilling one with The Weekly High Five – tiny feel-good resolutions you can count on one hand and tick off for instant endorphins. more

Paw-ternity leave, bee habitats and Donald Glover lands royal role – five feel-good stories you might have missed

Paw-ternity leave, bee habitats and Donald Glover lands royal role – five feel-good stories you might have missed

Look alive, people! The weekend is almost here! If this week has been a slog, then you might need a little bit of a pick-me-up to see you across the finish line. We’ve got just the thing to keep you moving – happy news stories! It’s been a great week for feel-good happenings – we’ve got stories of paw-ternity leave for new puppy parents, Donalg Glover kicks another career goal, Michael Bolton makes us melt into our morning coffee and Nazeem Hussain shares a personal story that is well worth listening to. more