Veja sneakers combine transparency with style to create conscious footwear

Veja sneakers combine transparency with style to create conscious footwear

It may not be the first thing you think of, but the sneaker industry is actually rife with waste. High demand, mass production and loads of unsustainable rubber that refuses to break down make for a pretty toxic cocktail, don’t you think? Luckily, the ethical sneaker movement is really taking off – and you need only look to Veja as an example. The European sneaker brand is taking over the style scene with its conscious footwear, offering a range of sustainable and vegan alternatives for the market. more

The Weekend Series: five binge-worthy shows to queue up this month

The Weekend Series: five binge-worthy shows to queue up this month

With the hubbub surrounding this year’s Oscar season, it’s easy to forget that some incredible television exists. We’re not talking about Married at First Sight (but we’re also not knocking that perfectly addictive drama-fest) – we’re talking about the five must-watch television shows of 2019. We’ve curated a list of episodical entertainment that is available to binge now, or will be soon. Superheroes, angels and demons, prison escapes, and dark comedies – what’s not to like? more

Feel the love – Theo the Label brings an affordable spin to the ethical fashion market

Feel the love – Theo the Label brings an affordable spin to the ethical fashion market

More and more consumers are wising up to the fact that the fast fashion industry is problematic, which is a great realisation – but we still haven’t quite reached the stage where ethical threads are the norm. The fact that this market is still young comes with some challenges – there isn’t as much choice, the costs are quite high and a lot of styles tend to cross over without much variation. In her own journey towards more sustainable habits, Esther Kirwan recognised these shortcomings and founded Theo the Label – a project to reflect her own ethics blended with creative freedom. more

Wearable mindfulness – the brand educating us on the importance of self care

Wearable mindfulness – the brand educating us on the importance of self care

Let’s face it – we’re living in a pretty bloody accelerated age. Thanks to always being on the go – both personally and professionally – a lot of us are suffering from serious burnout. One of the biggest contributing factors to this vicious cycle of overextending ourselves is a lack of self care – taking the time to stop, recharge and engage in practices that get us back on track (whatever that might be for you). A Melbourne-based brand has spearheaded a wearable activism project that reminds us of both the essence and importance of self care – because sometimes, you’ve gotta do you. more

Deck out your doggo with handmade collars and leashes from Wolf Pack Leather

Deck out your doggo with handmade collars and leashes from Wolf Pack Leather

If you’re hunting for a personalised present for your pooch that's going to last a lifetime, get your eyes on Wolf Pack Leather. The boutique label, which was born from humble beginnings in Byron Bay, has become renowned for its hand-made quality and refined aesthetic, offering unique leather accessories for your furry friend that can be custom designed and sized to ensure the perfect fit. more

Hello from Hollywood – get a celebrity to record (nearly) anything you want

Hello from Hollywood – get a celebrity to record (nearly) anything you want

Have you ever wished you could receive a personalised birthday message from Flavor Flav, get roasted by Tommy Chong or snag some words of encouragement from Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart? Most likely you haven’t, but what if we told you it was possible? Cameo is a service that is giving us mere mortals the chance to receive personalised video shoutouts from all kinds of celebs. Athletes, actors, comedians and even YouTube stars are signing on, reducing the gap between us and the stars. more

Match your best furry mate with threads and accessories from Pablo & Co.

Match your best furry mate with threads and accessories from Pablo & Co.

Let’s be honest – the only thing more pure and perfect than dogs is dogs wearing tiny outfits that were specifically made for them. If you want to add another layer to this perfection sundae, have you considered wearing an outfit that matches your dog’s? For those who have entertained this notion, we’ve found the solution – say hello to Pablo & Co., purveyors of fine apparel for both the two- and four-legged persuasion. more

The Weekend Series: five of the best waterproof speakers perfect for summertime hangs

The Weekend Series: five of the best waterproof speakers perfect for summertime hangs

If you’re sick of the sound of your skin audibly cracking in the summer sun, you might want to try drowning it out with some tunes blasted by a top-notch speaker. That being said, if you are dead set on soaking up the rays poolside or at the beach, you’re going to need a speaker that can survive a spill in the sand or a splash in the water. Thankfully waterproof technology has come a long way – most of the best Bluetooth speakers on the market come equipped with phenomenal waterproof technology. If you’re in the market for a speaker to take with you on your next beach trip, we’ve assembled a list of five options worth investigating. more

Genkstasy leads the non-binary fashion revolution with bright, bold and feel-good threads

Genkstasy leads the non-binary fashion revolution with bright, bold and feel-good threads

The strict gendering of clothing can be a pretty serious drag – after all, it’s 2019 and people should be free to wear whatever the heck they want. While unisex clothing is a step in the right direction when it comes to inclusion, the legends at Genkstasy are doing you one better – welcome to the non-binary clothing revolution! This Brisbane-based brand is blazing a trail in the fashion industry, filling a gaping hole in the market for inclusive casual-cool streetwear that doesn’t conform. more

Not-so-carbon footprint – Reebok creates the world’s first plant-based athletic shoe

Not-so-carbon footprint – Reebok creates the world’s first plant-based athletic shoe

When you think about one industry that could have a serious impact by going plant-based, sneakers are right up there. With more than 20 billion pairs of athletic footwear produced every year, it’s not exactly the most environmentally sound operation. Reebok is taking a step in the right direction with Cotton + Corn, its (and the world’s) first-ever totally plant-based athletic shoe. more

Shop locally, ethically and sustainably at Burleigh's new Heartfill Store

Shop locally, ethically and sustainably at Burleigh’s new Heartfill Store

We all live busy lives, so it's easy to opt for convenience when it comes to making purchases – which means that online shopping, mass production and fast fashion are constantly being fuelled. Yep, it's a wild world we live in, but it sure is reassuring to know that people like Corinne Russel exist. The former school teacher is the mind behind the newly opened Heartfill Store – a one-stop retail shop built on the ethos of responsible consumerism. more

The Christmas round-up: gifts for him

The Christmas round-up: gifts for him

Socks and jocks be damned! If you’ve been coming up blank trying to think of rad presents for the men in your life, allow us to lend a helping hand – our curated gift guide will have something for every gent on your list. From your fanciest friends to your outdoor explorers, we’ve found the solutions to your gifting woes. more

The Weekend Series: sneaking around – five sets of kicks to take you into summer

The Weekend Series: sneaking around – five sets of kicks to take you into summer

Real talk – when it comes to the realm of shoes, sneakers are just an all-around winner. They look cool, they’re comfortable to wear and there are so many variations that even if you’re not a certified sneakerhead, you’re bound to find a style you like. Not only that, but the best brands have got the game of combining function and aesthetics down to an art. There are so many hot sneaker drops happening that it’s hard to keep up, but we’ve picked five of our favourites that we simply couldn’t resist. more

Summer lovin’ – five must-have homewares to take you into the new season

Summer lovin’ – five must-have homewares to take you into the new season

As summer rapidly approaches, our winter throws are going back into storage and we’re dusting the cobwebs off our outdoor settings. A change of seasons is the perfect time to inject some new life into your home setting, adding thoughtful touches that make the most of our stunning climate whilst also giving off rich visuals and vibes. If you’re ready to bring some sunshine into your life, we’ve teamed up with Sanctuary Cove to provide some home decorating inspo in the form of five must-have summer items. more