Bliss n Eso – Johann Ofner Tribute Show

Bliss n Eso – Johann Ofner Tribute Show

Following the tragic passing of Johann Ofner on the set of Bliss n Eso’s ‘Friend Like You’ music clip, the band today announce a very special tribute show. The charity concert will be held in Johann Ofner’s hometown region of the Gold Coast at the Coolangatta Hotel, with 100 per cent of all proceeds to be donated to a trust for Johann’s daughter. 

The music industry has banded together in support, with the venue, suppliers and ticketing company all waiving their fees for the tribute show.  A t-shirt exclusively designed for the cause will be on sale at the show with proceeds also going to the trust.

Bliss n Eso have also made the decision to delay the release of their forthcoming album Off The Grid to Friday 28 April 2017.  The album was originally scheduled for release in early March.

While the band appreciate the album delay may cause some disappointment for fans, Bliss n Eso thank everyone for their continued support and understanding. Their recent sold out tour of Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane was an incredible reminder of how amazing their fans are.

Image credit: Dean Hammer

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