A Night of Feeling Groovy on the Peace Train at The Star Gold Coast

A Night of Feeling Groovy on the Peace Train at The Star Gold Coast

Spend a night immersed in the music of the past at A Night of Feeling Groovy on the Peace Train! Whether you’re an old soul and can’t get enough of the tunes of yore or you remember when they were big the first time around, enjoy an evening with the songs of Simon and Garfunkel and Cat Stevens. Starring Colin Lillie (The Voice), Harry Baulderstone and Marcus Ryan, The Star will be ablaze with over three hours of award-winning entertainment. Get your grooviest threads on along with your dancing shoes and prepare for a blast from the past to tunes like Mrs Robinson, The Boxer, Feelin Groovy, Sounds of Silence, Wild World, Peace Train and Where do the Children Play.

Image: Bogomil Mihaylov on Unsplash

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