4th Special Olympics Australia Junior National Games

4th Special Olympics Australia Junior National Games

​Next week, 130 young athletes with an intellectual disability will compete on the Gold Coast in the 4th Special Olympics Australia Junior National Games. The athletes, aged 8-15, will compete across four sports – athletics, basketball, football and swimming – from 3-6 July at Runaway Bay Sport and Recreation Centre. For most of them, this is their first taste of national competition and being part of a travelling team.

The Junior National Games is part of the global Special Olympics movement which provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and experience joy. The organisation provides sports training and competition opportunities to over 5 million people with intellectual disabilities in more than 177 countries.

Special Olympics Australia is a volunteer centric organisation with 50 clubs around Australia serviced by 1,500 volunteers delivering 14 sports to 3,100 registered athletes and 2,700 school program participants on a weekly basis.

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