Drink coffee responsibly from a sustainable ‘coffee cup' by HuskeeCup
Drink coffee responsibly from a sustainable ‘coffee cup' by HuskeeCup
Drink coffee responsibly from a sustainable ‘coffee cup' by HuskeeCup
Drink coffee responsibly from a sustainable ‘coffee cup' by HuskeeCup

Drink coffee responsibly from a sustainable ‘coffee cup’ by HuskeeCup

We all know that with coffee production and consumption, also comes wastage (duh), but the wastage begins a lot sooner than the fancy packaging and the end-user’s non-recyclable paper cup. We’re talking about the waste from discarded coffee husks – and there’s a new start-up by the name of HuskeeCup that is aiming to reduce waste from coffee farms by creating reusable (and totally stylish) cups make from coffee husks. This is caffeine-fuelled innovation at its best.

Let’s stop for a moment and think of all the coffee that will be consumed throughout the world today. It’s kind of mind-blowing, right? Now, we’ll take it a step further and think of the number of individual coffee beans that are harvested to meet this insatiable demand for caffeine. Normally, when a coffee bean is harvested, the husk is discarded. Man, that leaves behind a helluva lot of husks. Actually, Huskee says there’s around 1.35-million tonnes of husk waste generated globally from the production of coffee each year – a figure that Huskee is trying to combat.

The HuskeeCup is a durable and reusable ceramic alternative, using coffee husks as its base material. The cutting-edge design means the cups are functional, durable, sustainable and they actually have superior heat retention to ceramics, so it will keep your coffee hotter for longer. Given the killer design, functionality and sustainable ethos, we reckon HuskeeCups could one day become the norm in cafes and households. Huskee is currently in the midst of a Kickstarter campaign – if you’re keen to jump on the bandwagon, then head over here.


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