Update your culinary range with goods from Kehoe's Kitchen

Update your culinary range with goods from Kehoe’s Kitchen

By providing a range of quality equipment, useful knowledge and delicious ingredients to the culinary curious, Kehoe’s Kitchen hopes to improve awareness of healing and nourishing cooking habits.

Katrina Kehoe started Kehoe’s Kitchen in 2013 as a simple way to share photos and ideas inspired by the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet. By frequently posting photos of meals to recipes, Katrina earned a following, which convinced her to take her passion for food to the next level. Kehoe’s Kitchen is now a hub for recipes, resources and a store for organic, hand made products.

Kehoe’s Kitchen specialises in fermented and cultured foods ranging from yoghurts to water kefir, kim chi, salsas and chutneys as well as wholefood items including cakes, biscuits and coconut fudge. Katrina’s products are suitable for various diets and intolerances, such as GAPS and paleo diets and are all 100% grain, sugar, additive, preservative and soy free.

Those who are fans of the consumable products can make their own using recipes posted online, and with appliances that can be purchased on the Kehoe’s Kitchen online store. Equipment such as dehydrators, blenders, juicers and other kitchen tools can be ordered to make your own kitchen a place of nourishing creation.

You can find Kehoe’s Kitchen products at Northey Street Markets in Windsor every Sunday, or at select stockists throughout Queensland and New South Wales.

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