Shop local (from the comfort of your couch) at The Village Markets' first-ever Insta Market this weekend

Shop local (from the comfort of your couch) at The Village Markets’ first-ever Insta Market this weekend

For the past 12 years, The Village Markets has been an integral platform for makers and creators across the Gold Coast and Brisbane. It's so much more than just a successful market –  it's a creative community for small businesses, as well as a stepping stone that has turned countless local designers (like Peony and Zulu & Zephyr) into international brands. It's a facilitator of entrepreneurship. A mentoring hub for people with a dream. Even now, amid these insanely unsettling times, TVM's support for the creative community remains unhindered. Instead of a physical market, TVM is going digital – and its first-ever Insta Market is happening this weekend. more

Bandcamp is donating today's share of sales to musicians

Bandcamp is donating today’s share of sales to musicians

One of the world's biggest repositories of independent music is doing its part to help support artists affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. For Friday March 20 only, Bandcamp will be donating its share of revenue from all sales to the artists. If you've been eyeing off a record or eye-catching band tee, now's the best time to snag it! more

Top tips for staying on-task while working from home

Top tips for staying on-task while working from home

Theoretically working from home is a dream – no morning traffic, no annoying impromptu meetings in the tea room and you can finally be in control of the music playlist. It's great, in theory, but sometimes the reality is very different indeed. All of a sudden you start noticing all of the little things that need doing around the house (looking at you, Mount Washmore), the noisy neighbours and the constant distractions that beg for your attention and before you know it you've wasted an hour searching the cupboard for snacks. To help keep you on-track and on-task, we've compiled a handy list so you can make the most of your stint working from home.  more

Knowledge is power – the best resources to inform yourself on COVID-19

Knowledge is power – the best resources to inform yourself on COVID-19

The current COVID-19 pandemic is no joke and should be taken seriously. That being said, there are a lot of unreliable information sources that can muddy the waters around what is and isn't true in regards to current coronavirus statistics and self-care practices. Amid all of the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, it's important to equip yourself with information from only reliable sources. Here is a list of essential links to keep handy that will help inform and prepare you for the duration of the outbreak. more

Explore your own backyard with a staycay at QT complete with bug rolls and boozy ice-blocks

Explore your own backyard with a staycay at QT complete with bug rolls and boozy ice-blocks

We’ll come right out and say it, we love the Gold Coast. We do, it’s true! We love it so much that we struggle to go away on holidays because we have everything we need right here – beautiful beaches, amazing restaurants and cafes and plenty to see and do, but sometimes life gets in the way and you spend your weekends doing mundane stuff at home instead of getting out eating, drinking and exploring. If you can't remember the last time you enjoyed a little holiday at home or are in need of a little R&R, QT Gold Coast is giving our readers the chance to enjoy a staycay with a special readers-only discount and free drinks!  more

Veja and Rick Owens collaborate to create kicks with conscience

Veja and Rick Owens collaborate to create kicks with conscience

When it comes to sneakers, not all are created equal. Some (read: most) are made from various types of plastic and unsustainable rubber, which doesn’t bode well for you in terms of comfort but it’s also not great news for Mother Earth. Thankfully there’s a fashion-led alternative from French footwear company Veja and lauded fashion designer Rick Owens, who have come together for a second time to set a new standard for kicks with conscience. more

Wear your heart on your sleeve with a Helping Hands bracelet to support Australian bushfire aid efforts

Wear your heart on your sleeve with a Helping Hands bracelet to support Australian bushfire aid efforts

The fires that raged throughout much of December and January were beyond devastating but even now as the embers begin to die down, the true impact on the land, animals and people is just beginning to be felt. The James Street Initiative is joining forces with Brisbane artisans Blue & Grae to release a limited-edition run of unisex leather bracelets to provide a little helping hand to those people and animals impacted by the Australian bushfire crisis. 100-percent of the proceeds will be donated to charities assisting communities and wildlife in recovery efforts. more

Embark on an adventure with an Empty Esky to support fire-affected businesses

Embark on an adventure with an Empty Esky to support fire-affected businesses

The fires that ravaged our beautiful country at the start of this year were beyond devastating but for some, the hurt is just beginning. Many of the towns and businesses affected rely on tourism during the peak times to get them through the quieter times of year so they need your help now more than ever. Empty Esky is a national movement of foodies and adventures on a mission to support small businesses affected by the Australian fires. more

Hummm your way to glowing skin with a new two-step routine

Hummm your way to glowing skin with a new two-step routine

Do you remember when a cleanser, toner and moisturiser constituted a skincare routine? These days, we're conditioned to believe we need a complex 26-step regime of lotions and potions to treat every possible skin condition from pores to premature ageing. If you're feeling overwhelmed or are suffering from product fatigue, there's a new Australian skincare label that is pioneering a nifty two-step routine that is right up your alley.  more

Seven energy-saving tips to help your power bill (and the planet) this summer

Seven energy-saving tips to help your power bill (and the planet) this summer

Nothing says summer like a huge power bill. In an attempt to beat the heat we often find ourselves pumping the air conditioning and spending more time indoors on our electrical devices. Wish you could stop your costs rising like the mercury on your thermostat? Us too, but it can be tough to know where to start. To help you keep your cool (physically and financially) we’ve done our research and put together seven tips for conserving energy on hot days. Plus as an added bonus, your reduced energy consumption will also benefit the environment. more

Shop for a cause – here's a bunch of homegrown labels and brands that are donating to bushfire relief

Shop for a cause – here’s a bunch of homegrown labels and brands that are donating to bushfire relief

The ongoing catastrophic Australian bushfires have left us all feeling helpless, but the overwhelming number of generous individuals and businesses stepping up to support the victims and our firefighters – whether it be by donating funds, spreading awareness, volunteer efforts or fundraising – is nothing short of an amazing feat. Through tough times such as these, our Aussie spirit of kindness and generosity never ceases to prevail. Here is a list of homegrown brands and labels that are donating part (or all) of their sales profits to the Bushfire Disaster Appeal and related charities. more

The most effective ways you can support bushfire relief efforts

The most effective ways you can support bushfire relief efforts

Our country is on fire. Every day our feeds are flooded with the news of conditions worsening and fires spreading and sadly, at this stage, there is no end in sight. Lives have tragically been lost. Homes have been lost. Acres upon acres of land has been destroyed. Millions of wildlife have perished. We are in a state of emergency. Australia's incredible firefighters and volunteers are working around the clock to help manage this crisis and – especially for those of us not directly affected – it's easy to feel helpless when you're not on the front line. One thing that is very apparent is that the affected communities and fire services need our support – but where should you start? There are a number of incredible charities and organisations that are focusing their resources on bushfire relief, assisting firefighters, refugees and wildlife by means of shelter, financial assistance,… more

Enjoy room-ready plants straight to your door with The Plant People

Enjoy room-ready plants straight to your door with The Plant People

Plant murder – it's a crime that many of us have unwittingly committed with either too much love or not nearly enough. But, in our defence, household varieties can be notoriously tricky creatures. Whilst some thrive on neglect, others are needier than your overly obsessed ex and even the slightest deviation can result in imminent death. It's a tough gig this plant parent thing but lucky for you, The Plant People are here to help. more

Enjoy the benefits of a pool without the maintenance with Swimply

Enjoy the benefits of a pool without the maintenance with Swimply

To be the most popular kid in primary school you pretty much just had to have a pool. Nowadays, things aren't always so simple and you can't just mooch your mates whenever you fancy a dip but fret not friend, Swimply is here to save you from your pool-free existence. The new service connects pool owners with want-to-be pool users, simply. It's so damn brilliant it makes us wonder why no one thought of this sooner. more

Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose

Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose

We all know that plastic isn't so fantastic but in Australia, 5.3 million consumers, that is 27.1-percent of the population, purchase single-use plastic bottles on a weekly basis. Most of which, let's be honest, are destined for landfill once it has fulfilled its original purpose where it can take between 20 and 1000 years to degrade. If that makes you feel all of the things, you're not alone – but together, we can make small changes that have a big impact. One of the easiest changes we can make is to switch to a shampoo bar from Shampoo With A Purpose once your current supply runs dry. more

Unplug to unwind – QT Hotels & Resorts launch Power Down

Unplug to unwind – QT Hotels & Resorts launch Power Down

Just like our smartphones, tablets, laptops and fitbits, we all need to recharge to function correctly. Unfortunately, our favourite devices are often the cause of our exhaustion – even in our designated down-time we struggle to put down the tech. With the growing popularity of smart home devices like Google Home and Amazon’s Alexa it’s starting to feel like there is no total escape. This is where the concept of Power Down originated, QT Hotels & Resorts’ new digital detox package. The holiday makers are offering to take charge of your devices while you enjoy a detoxing hotel escape – a rare chance to disconnect from tech and reconnect with yourself. more