Discover the art of Nuno felting at Gail Grunske Designs

Discover the art of Nuno felting at Gail Grunske Designs

Have you come across the art of Nuno felting? Derived from the Japanese word 'nuno' meaning cloth, this technique bonds wool to a sheer fabric like silk, creating a lightweight felt. The wool can completely cover the background silk, or may be used to create a design that allows the colourful and shiny silk to show through, adding to the design. Nuno felting often includes several layers of wool to build up colour, texture and design elements in the finished fabric. more

Drape yourself in glass beads from Leah's Creative Glass Designs

Drape yourself in glass beads from Leah’s Creative Glass Designs

Created by the Ancient Romans and Egyptians to adorn the upperclass and royals, glass beads have long been considered a fine accessory. Today the process of glass-bead making continues as an artisan craft by those with the passion to convert a piece of glass into a ball of beauty, adding intricate details to create unique statement pieces. more

Pick up a Panama hat from Decus Artisans

Pick up a Panama hat from Decus Artisans

Traditionally a straw hat of Ecuadorian origin, Panama hats were worn by the workers of the Panama Canal to shield them from the tropical sun. Passing foreigners mistook the hats as a local product and since then the world has known them as Panama hats, while the ancient crafters from Montecristi in Ecuador know them as 'sombreros de paja toquilla'. more