No Ekka, no worries – get a jam-packed Bertie Beetle showbag delivered to your door
No Ekka, no worries – get a jam-packed Bertie Beetle showbag delivered to your door
No Ekka, no worries – get a jam-packed Bertie Beetle showbag delivered to your door

No Ekka, no worries – get a jam-packed Bertie Beetle showbag delivered to your door

First formulated in the early 1960s to make use of the leftover honeycomb crumbs from the production lines of Violet Crumble, Bertie Beetle has cemented its status as a crowd-pleasing confectionary staple and showbag favourite. So we can celebrate more than 50 years of the little chocolate bugs, online retailer Showbag Shop are flying retro-style Bertie Beetles showbags straight to our door.

Although Ekka’s bright lights won’t shine this year, that doesn’t mean we can’t get a dose of carnival-fun in the form of a Bertie Beetle showbag! To help us out, Showbag Shop is hawking seven different Bertie Beetle showbags and bundle packs including a huge haul of 350 Bertie Beetles that will definitely cure a case of the munchies. For those after a dose of nostalgia, there is even a Bertie Beetle Super Fan retro bundle complete with limited-edition camp mugs, socks and a retro tin, all labelled with the original 1960s Bertie Beetle logo.

If you’re feeling lucky (well are you, punk?) Showbag Shop has also launched a Bertie Beetle baking competition, with the winner collecting a huge prize of 1000 Bertie Beetles! To enter, all you have to do is bake something Bertie Beetle-inspired and upload a pic to Instagram or Facebook before Sunday August 16 and share something about yourself and what you’ve baked in the caption then tag @bertiebeetleshowbags and use the hashtag #bertiebakingcomp. Don’t worry if your cake is a total fail, there’s even a category for the worst-made creation – now that sounds like something we could win.

To snag your Bertie Beetle showbag, head to the Showbag Shop website.

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