The Weekend Series: five last-minute Halloween costume ideas

The Weekend Series: five last-minute Halloween costume ideas

Halloween is all about celebrating things that are scary, and one of the scariest things ever is showing up to a Halloween costume party without a good outfit. If you shiver with fear at the thought of being ‘that person’ that doesn’t commit to the theme or if you’ve left your outfit organisation to the last minute (or a little from column A, a little from column B), here are some easy to execute ideas for last-minute costumes that wont have you looking like a fool – unless that’s part of your costume, then kudos to you.

Snapchat Filter
Snapchat caused a big stir in the selfie game this year by creating functionality that transformed your face with a range of creative filters. From bug-eyed, rainbow-vomiting beings to sloppy tongued puppies to crowned elven princesses – Snapchat hit our vanity nerve like a bullseye. All of us are guilty of experimenting with the app, so why not bring your favourite snap filter to life this Halloween? All you need is some make up, a friend that can help you apply it and a set of animal ears, a fake unicorn horn or a flower crown to complete the look. You might be thinking “how do I get that look with just make up”? Well, we’ve found a tutorial that can help you look pretty close to the real deal. Just snap a few selfies for guidance (admit it, you’ve probably got hundreds already saved) and get practicing.
Image: Brittany Marie

twe-nudie-suitRhinestone Cowboy
If you’ve ever been mesmerised by the vibrantly coloured and lavishly adorned suits worn by members of the American country music scene of the 60s and 70s – or simply been enchanted by the Glen Campbell song of the same name – a Rhinestone Cowboy is an eye-catching costume idea that is great for those itching to get crafty. Simply find a decently fitting suit jacket at your local op shop (the more garishly coloured the better) then swing by your closest craft store and get a bag of rhinestones and some glue. Get cracking on gluing some vibrant patters on to the jacket, then dust off a pair of boots (maybe your op shop has some suitably swanky pairs), find a belt with a large buckle, don a wide-brimmed hat and a bolo tie (you can fashion your own) and hit the streets looking like Robert Redford from Electric Cowboy.

twe-stranger-things-01Stranger Things
The Netflix series that captured the imaginations of millions is bound to be well represented this Halloween. Aside from donning your best 80s clothes and primping your hair to match the era, you can get creative for cheap and still manage to don a unique costume. Wrapping yourself in twinkling Christmas lights will allow you to shine bright at any Halloween party (you might need to source a battery pack to sparkle on the go), while fans of the kick-ass psychic Eleven can emulate her on-point fashion by sourcing a long blond wig and a pink dress (a box of Eggo waffles will make a great tasty accessory) or being bold and shaving your head instead (we are not liable for any regrets caused by following our advice). Also, if you happen to be blessed with red hair, you can pin it short, don a ruffled plaid shirt, find some mum jeans, wear fake glasses with big frames and you’ll be the spitting image of fan-favourite Barb.

twe-clintontrumpHilary Clinton or Donald Trump
Look, very soon we’re going to have to deal with the United States changing up its leadership. If you’ve been following the Presidential election campaign, you’ll agree that it’s more soap opera than political process, which means its great fodder for Halloween spoofing. Your options are simple – dress as Hilary Clinton or dress as Donald Trump. They aren’t the most glamorous pair, but a vibrantly coloured pantsuit or an impressively awful wig will certainly get the point across. If you’ve got enough hair to pull off either hairstyle (congrats on the versatility), then check out these tutorials for Don and Hils showing you how to get the perfect look (a strong blow-dry is essential).


The Walking Dead
This one is great for those that enjoy a bit of gory, zombie roleplay. As the hit television series The Walking Dead launches its latest season, fans of the show can dress up as either the gritty, hard-bitten apocalypse survivors or the unfortunate souls that fell to the undead affliction. If you are dressing up as a survivor, break out the leather and denim for some butt-kicking attire (fingerless gloves and big boots are encouraged). Find a ratty old t-shirt at the bottom of your closet and go at it with a pair of scissors and coffee stains – this will give it a nice rugged look. Then dab a bit of fake blood here and there and you’ll look suitably savage. As for the zombies, well, this is your chance to take everything above to the extreme from the make-up and fake blood to the tattered clothes. Go to town with ghoulish makeup (don’t be afraid to layer it on thick), ‘forget’ to wash your hair for a few days and start practicing your zombie shuffle.
Image: PopSugar


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