Good Vibes Guaranteed: Volume 02 April 7
Good Vibes Guaranteed: Volume 02 April 7
Good Vibes Guaranteed: Volume 02 April 7
Good Vibes Guaranteed: Volume 02 April 7
Good Vibes Guaranteed: Volume 02 April 7

Good Vibes Guaranteed: Volume 02 April 7

These are some wild uncharted waters we are navigating together, pals. We’ve all had to adapt and make some serious changes to navigate this new world, The Weekend Edition included. Although our usual content has shifted, our commitment to keeping you informed with our mantra of positive media remains. The Weekend Edition is providing you with up-to-date information relating to the coronavirus crisis, breaking down news and announcements in a digestible format to help ease the stress and confusion for our community. What we’re also here to do is provide you with some positive relief, some hope and some kindness in the time of coronavirus. Enjoy this week’s instalment Good Vibes Guaranteed – your weekly dose of feel-good stories and positivity, every Tuesday morning.

Good Vibe #1: Australian fashion labels making personal protective equipment
The retail fashion industry is relatively unstable right now, with many Australian retailers forced to cease operations as usual and close their bricks-and-mortar retail stores until the coronavirus crisis is managed. Rather than disappear into hiatus land, a number of Australian designers are instead shifting their resources to assist the Government by making personal protective equipment (PPE) – including masks, gowns and evening hospital bed sheets. Last last week, Scanlan Theodore announced it would be repurposing its Fiji factory to manufacture PPE, starting with gowns. Cue Clothing has partnered with St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney to produce scrubs, and labels such as Arnsdorf and Nobody Denim have announced they are in talks with the Government to see how they can redirect their manufacturing efforts towards essential PPE items.

Good Vibe #2: A quarantine love story
It’s not easy to find love in the age of social distancing – but it is entirely possible. When 28-year-old Brooklyn man Jeremy Cohen saw his neighbour, Tori Cignarella (a then-stranger), dancing on her rooftop, he knew he had to make contact. He went out onto his deck and waved, she waved back. Feeling an immediate connection, he took all of his courage, strapped his phone number to a drone and flew it over to her. She sent him a text and they lined up their first social isolation date – a FaceTime dinner, in sight of each other, on their respective rooftop/balcony. So close, but yet so far. The date was a hit (it lasted until Tori’s phone died), so for their second date Jeremy picked Tori up from her apartment, safely confined in a giant inflatable bubble, and they went for a romantic stroll. Love prevails in the time of corona! You can follow the Quarantine Cutie journey on Jeremy’s Twitter account.

Good Vibe #3: Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Tired of reading Where is the Green Sheep? night after night to the kids? Suffering from some serious iso-insomnia? It might be time the whole family said goodnight with Dolly. Country-music treasure Dolly Parton has launched Goodnight with Dolly, a YouTube series featuring her reading a selection of Imagination Library books. Each book has been carefully chosen for its appropriate content during this time, lifting spirits and instilling hope in our little ones (and us too!). In the first episode (online now), Dolly reads The Little Engine That Could – the motivation we all need right now. A new episode is released each week, so look out for Dolly reading Coat of Many Colours on April 10.

Good Vibe #4: Face masks for deaf and hard-of-hearing people
Currently there are a lot of people, especially in countries like America and China, wearing face masks. For those of us with good hearing, it has little-to-no impact on our communication. However, for deaf or hard-of-hearing people who read lips or speak sign language, suddenly communication becomes a huge issue. Kentucky college student Ashley Lawrence, who is studying education for the deaf and hard of hearing, is currently making face masks with a clear plastic panel in the middle to make the mouth of the wearer visible. It allows others to read lips and also expressions, which form a huge part of sign communication, but also it reduces the risk of contracting COVID-19 for those needing to touch their face to sign. Ashley’s GoFundMe campaign has currently raised all of the funds needed to start manufacturing – you can read more about the project here.

Good Vibe #5: Bin Isolation Outing
Anyone else find themselves putting on their best outfits just to go to the supermarket? When you’re deep in self isolation (with no end in sight), you’ll take any outing as an opportunity to make some effort and dress up. For Hervey Bay resident Danielle Askew, the highlight of her week has become leaving the house to take out the bins and, after a friend dared to her to dress up for the task, she decide to take it to the next level. She donned a crown and blue gown, Elsa style, and strolled out to the kerb in her fancy dress. After making a dedicated Facebook page – Bin Isolation Outing – Danielle’s idea has gone viral, with people from all over the world putting on their finest fancy dress to wheel out their bins. Submissions keep rolling in, with the likes of Stormtroopers, Wonder Woman and even the old man from Up on bin duty. If you feel like dressing up for the wheelie run, be sure to take a photo and tag us!

BONUS FEEL-GOOD VIDEO: Please take 3 minutes and 37 seconds of your day to stop and watch YouTuber Kurt Tocci’s musical parody of Disney characters in quarantine.

For an up-to-date snapshot on the coronavirus crisis, take a peek at our Quick Quarantine Updates. For help understanding the cabinet confusion, head to our constantly updated Dissecting Scomo coverage. 

Image credits:
Facebook (Samantha Hansen)
Twitter (Jeremy Cohen)
Facebook (Scanlan Theodore)
Youtube (Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library)


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