Corner Deli

If the words ‘New York deli’ strike positive feelings inside, then you’ll love Corner Deli – the new sandwich slinger from the Clarence Restaurant crew. Specialising in breakfast and lunch eats made using sensational locally sourced ingredients, Clarence chefs Ben McShane and Matt Kuhnemann are crafting a range of inventive sandwiches, soups and sides reminiscent of the kind sourced from New York delis, but with a Southeast Queensland spin. The menu starts with breakfast muffins boasting house-made bacon and green bean chutney, and sausage with fried egg – available alongside congee, bircher muesli and coffee from Bancroft Roasters. Corner Deli’s main menu will include five cold sandwiches and five hot options. Stop in for the likes of a classic deli roll boasting meats from Saison Salumi with pickled chilli mayonnaise and iceberg lettuce, or opt for something hotter like Corner Deli’s Reuben (made with wild-shot venison pastrami from Fair Game). Sandwich orders can be fleshed out with sides including chips and potato salad, or minestrone or lentil soup.


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