The Weekend Series: long weekend leisure – five fun things to do over Easter

The Weekend Series: long weekend leisure – five fun things to do over Easter

It’s not often that we get a long weekend, but over the next month we have three! The Easter long weekend is an extra long one, with public holidays taking place on Friday and Monday, so that leaves a few extra days to fill. While many of us are thinking about catching up on some life admin in between hot cross bun binges, it’s also an ideal time to try fun and exciting things! This is the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself and catch up on some of the best things happening right now. Don’t waste four days in a chocolate-induced coma – hop to these five long weekend activities.

Start honing your winter recipes
The cold snap has got most of us rugging up at night, which means that winter is fast approaching. The best thing about winter (aside from giving our sweat glands a rest) is the incredible foods we can indulge in. If you’ve got some free time on your hands (and let’s face it, you probably do) get into the kitchen and brush up on your winter warmer recipes. If you are entertaining over the weekend, break out some mulled wine and let the spices flow! Should you be itching for some hearty comfort food, we’ve taken the liberty of collating a few choice recipes, then wrap yourself in your cosiest blanket and chuck on that Netflix show you’ve been meaning to binge. Now that’s a long weekend well spent!
Image: Lifehacker

Tune in to Bluesfest
If you are one of the lucky ducks who scored tickets to probably one of the best festivals of the year (we are calling it early), first of all we can’t even talk to you right now. Second, you’re in for a real treat. For those of us that missed the boat, there is some small comfort knowing that we won’t miss out completely. Double J is presenting The Best of Bluesfest on Easter Sunday, streaming choice performances direct from the festival from 2:00–6:00 pm. Expect live sets from world-class talent, interviews with said talent and just enough extra content to cure our overwhelming sense of FOMO.

Let Louis C.K. make you laugh
The reigning king of stand-up comedy has deigned to bless us with a brand-new special this month, bringing the laughs for Louis 2017. Blending self-deprecating hilarity, poignant social commentary and a hearty dose of chortle-inducing crudeness, Louis C.K. has knocked it out of the park once again. If you are looking to make a human-shaped groove in your couch while binging a new show on Netflix, make sure you spare an hour for Louis – you funny bone will thank you.

Catch Sugar Spin before it leaves for good
It’s been a big start to 2017 for GOMA as it celebrates its tenth birthday. The festivities launched in style at the beginning of December when Sugar Spin: you, me, art and everything opened inside the gallery, showcasing over 250 works of art – including an installation of a multi-coloured landscape of synthetic hair, a spiralling slide taking visitors from the top floor of GOMA to the bottom, and works from legendary artists such as Ron Mueck, Olafur Elliasson and Céleste Boursier-Mougenot. All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately that applies to Sugar Spin. The exhibition leaves GOMA on Monday April 17, so if you haven’t seen the majesty of the art inside, consider this weekend as your final chance to do so.
Image: Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir aka Shoplifter / Nervescape V 2016 / Installation view, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane / Commissioned for Sugar Spin: you, me, art and everything / Photograph: Natasha Harth, QAGOMA

Get in the car and start driving
A spontaneous road trip can be one of the most rewarding ways to spend an extended period of time off. We love exploring our own back yard, so much so that we love recommending places to check out on a spare weekend. Forget heading to the coast (it’s too cold, anyway) – pack the car with some supplies and shake it up with a cosy Granite Belt sojourn, a tour of Toowoomba, go glamping or just wing it. You’ll come back after the long weekend relaxed, enlightened and eager to do it all again next long weekend.


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