Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose
Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose
Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose
Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose
Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose
Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose
Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose
Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose

Ditch the plastic and lather up with a bar of Shampoo With A Purpose

We all know that plastic isn’t so fantastic but in Australia, 5.3 million consumers, that is 27.1-percent of the population, purchase single-use plastic bottles on a weekly basis. Most of which, let’s be honest, are destined for landfill once it has fulfilled its original purpose where it can take between 20 and 1000 years to degrade. If that makes you feel all of the things, you’re not alone – but together, we can make small changes that have a big impact. One of the easiest changes we can make is to switch to a shampoo bar from Shampoo With A Purpose once your current supply runs dry.

If you’re keen to walk a little lighter, Shampoo With A Purpose (or SWAP for short) presents a mighty compelling case to ditch the plastic shampoo and conditioner bottles for good with its range of four solid shampoo bars that are naturally formulated with no harsh chemicals. Not only do they take up less room on the shower shelf but the bars are sulphate- and palm oil-free and are designed to use less water than traditional bottled varieties. Oh and a single shampoo bar equates to approximately six retail-sized bottles of traditional shampoo and conditioner and all for just $15 per bar.

Ideal for men and women, Shampoo With A Purpose creates a familiar lather that can also double as a rinse-out treatment and even a cleanser for the entire body. In short, it’s a no-fuss product that’s good for you, your hair, your wallet and the planet – what’s not to love! Shampoo With A Purpose is proudly Australian made, owned and designed by Australia’s oldest family-owned soap maker, Clover Fields. If you’re keen to give it a crack and have dry or damaged hair, this one is for you. Looking for a little oomph? Get volume here. Colour-treated tresses will find much-needed love here or for the perfect all-rounder, The O.G. is your guy. The SWAP range also contains a dishwashing block, a stain remover and a laundry liquid.


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