Dip your spoon into a supercharged chai creme brulee
Dip your spoon into a supercharged chai creme brulee

Dip your spoon into a supercharged chai creme brulee

The ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda presents a holistic approach to feeling well, creating a union of the mind, body, senses and soul. Through a combination of nutrition, yoga and meditation, Ayurveda focuses on treating the individual as a whole, rather than a specific area or ailment. After studying Ayurvedic cookery and nutrition in India, nutritionist Lee Holmes has been incorporating its principles into her life and noticed significant results. In her latest book, Supercharged Food: Eat Right for Your Shape, Lee offers guidance for an Ayurvedic lifestyle, from understanding and finding your dosha to yoga poses and breathing exercises. There are also nourishing recipes for all seasons with ingredients that correct your doshic imbalance, in order to encourage overall wellbeing, weight management and health. You’ll find delights such as tea-poached chicken with green beans, oven-baked peach and berry pancakes and this recipe for chai creme brulee.

400 ml tin additive-free coconut cream
125 ml almond milk
1 tablespoon rice malt syrup
1 chai tea bag
1/2 cinnamon stick
6 whole cloves
4 cardamom pods, bruised
1/2 teaspoon alcohol-free vanilla extract
1 teaspoon agar agar
1⁄3 cup coconut sugar


Combine the coconut cream, almond milk, rice malt syrup, tea bag, spices and vanilla in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Bring to simmering point but do not allow to boil. Simmer for five minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain then return the liquid to the saucepan, discarding the solids.

Place the agar agar in a small bowl, and ladle over a little of the coconut mixture. Stir well, then slowly pour back into the saucepan, stirring well until dissolved. Pour into ramekins and refrigerate for three to four hours or until set. 

When ready to serve, cover the top with an even layer of coconut sugar and place under the grill set to high, or use a blowtorch, until a caramelised crust appears on top.

Recipes and images from Supercharged Food: Eat Right For Your Shape by Lee Holmes, published by Murdoch Books

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