The Weekly High Five: risky fashion, making it rain and selfish cakes

The Weekly High Five: risky fashion, making it rain and selfish cakes

In regards to goals, someone much wiser than I once said, “It ain’t about how fast I get there, it ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side – it’s the climb.” Even if your feelings towards inspirational songs performed by former child stars aren’t exactly positive, you’ve got to admit that the girl has got a point – the journey towards achieving something is just as crucial as the end game. Make your journey a fulfilling one with The Weekly High Five – tiny feel-good resolutions you can count on one hand and tick off for instant endorphins.

#1: Throw a ‘just because’ party
You know who’s a hip cat? A rad dude? A top bloke? You are, my friend, and that is cause for celebration. Who’s got time to wait around for a special occasion? Self-love is underrated. Gather your crew, don your Sunday best, bake a seriously impressive cake and throw yourself a party to end all parties. It can often feel like everyone you know is too busy to catch up, but if you all band together and commit to a date, you can make this happen. For maximum ease, get everyone attending to bring a plate.

#2: Step outside of your sartorial comfort zone
Have you ever seen someone wearing a fabulous outfit or accessory and thought, “Damn, I wish I could rock something like that?” Here’s a newsflash – you can. Whether it’s a haircut you’ve always wanted to try, some super-bright socks or a pair of sparkly earrings, taking a risk with your look can be an instant injection of confidence. A study from Columbia University even suggests that dressing well can make you think and carry yourself differently – a perfect excuse to switch it up.

#3: Volunteer your time to someone who needs it
As we all know, giving feels really good. Perhaps the most precious gift we have is our own time, so it makes sense that volunteering in any capacity is a selfless act. There are plenty of places and organisations that rely on the generosity of strangers to keep doing good work – take a look around and consider stepping up to lend a hand. It doesn’t even have to be an official thing – you could help an elderly neighbour with their groceries or pick up rubbish in your local area.

#4: Call your folks
With the possible exception of your workplace, the sound of a telephone ringing probably causes you to react similarly to Ozzy Osbourne – who even makes phone calls anymore? We are living in the age of serial texting, which is equal parts convenient and distancing. Contacting people has never been easier, but ironically so is ghosting. What do? Jump on the blower and give someone you like a buzz (translation: pick up your cellular device and make verbal contact with someone you are fond of). Become the favourite sibling and call your mum, reconnect with an interstate mate or reach out to someone you know who’s having a tough time. A phone call can save a life, y’know.

#5: Save it
If you’re a responsible adult, you probably have a savings account. Congrats – you’re already killing it! Now it’s time to take things to the next level with a bit of good old-fashioned piggy bank action. Make a habit out of dropping every scrap of loose change into that bad boy – nothing is too small. If you literally never carry cash, consider the alternative of a super simple saving challenge with the aim to buy something indulgent that you really want when you’re all done. Be strict with it and you will reap the rewards. Interest, baby!


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