
Find homely knowledge and interiors-savvy reads in Apartamento

Like American publication Kinfolk knows small gatherings, Spanish read Apartmento knows interiors. But not in the sterile, minimalistic, highly curated manner that some shiny covered magazines project.

Apartamento lets you explore the homes of creative folk the world over, sharing the small, cluttered and lived-in rooms of each humble abode, dirty dishes and laundry all in shot. The creation of Nacho Alegre and Omar Sosa, Apartamento was inspired by Nacho’s experience of couch surfing across Europe. Taking photos of each room he stayed in, the photo essay was to become a book, before the pair workshopped the idea into an interiors journal unlike any other.

Within the pages of Apartamento, photographers, artists and musicians talk about their living spaces, revealing the story behind how people live in their homes, rather than focusing on the materialistic items within a space. Born in April 2008, Apartmento is now up to its ninth issue and is sold in 45 countries.

Pick up a very rare remaining issue nine at Bread & Butter in Bulimba. Bread & Butter has started stocking a range of independent media including Kinfolk, Inventory and Collect magazines – carving a little mag-nation-esque corner all of Brisbane’s own.

Image via Vetted.


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