View food from a different angle in Eat | Love

Perhaps you shovelled a piece of toast down your gullet before you hailed the bus to work this morning, and maybe you’ll knock together whatever is left in the fridge for dinner tonight. But while our daily meals are often at risk of becoming yet another half-noticed part of our everyday routine, some people on this planet strive to give food the undivided attention and consideration it deserves. Dutch ‘eating designer’ Marije Vogelzang is one such artist, dedicating much of her working life to questions like, how far did my pineapple travel? How many fish are left in the sea? And if you don’t want to eat meat, then why do you want your vegetarian substitute in the shape of a sausage? Step into Marije’s world and view food from a different perspective in Eat | Love.

The Stumble Guide is our comprehensive Brisbane dining guide with more than 2400 places to eat, drink, shop and play.


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