Tell Your Story Walking Tour

Tell Your Story Walking Tour

Megan Cooper, Cameron Milford and Dana Hassall will be touring around Southeast Queensland for their Tell Your Story Walking Tour.

Three acclaimed musicians are hitting the road, playing their songs and telling their stories across Southeast Queensland this month. Megan Cooper, Cameron Milford and Dana Hassall are the three troubadours that will be taking stage during the Tell Your Story Walking Tour, which is stopping at the Milk Factory on Sunday October 5. All three musicians will be playing a personalised set of acoustic folk tunes that are equal parts touching, funny and melodic. Those of you that are curious can listen to the latest releases from each ­member of the trio –  Cameron Milford’s Highway Wind, Dana Hassall’s See it Now and Megan Cooper’s Ghosts, Choirs and Kings.

To find out more about what’s on in Brisbane, head to our Event Guide.


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