Landfill Harmonic

Landfill Harmonic creates hope from rubbish

While we commonly perceive instruments as being constructed from the best materials, such as brass and polished timbers, the truth is that anything that makes a sound could be considered a musical apparatus. By simply tapping a glass with a spoon and clashing saucepan lids together, you can create an instant orchestra.

In the impoverished barrios of Paraguay, a garbage picker decided to put his finds to good use by creating musical instruments from the discarded artefacts of daily life found at his local rubbish tip. From violins to flutes, each of his instruments is given to local children, who have formed The Recycled Orchestra. In an area where musical instruments can be worth more than a house, the initiative has worked to provide local children with a creative outlet that nourishes their eager young minds.

A tale of hope and the mystical qualities of music, the Landfill Harmonic story also highlights how contemporary issues of poverty and waste management can be addressed by simply thinking outside the box. To generate funds needed to send The Recycled Orchestra on tour and to continue creating instruments, Landfill Harmonic is currently running a Kickstarter campaign.


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