Arty party – Future Collective Revel is Brisbane's answer to the Met Gala
Arty party – Future Collective Revel is Brisbane's answer to the Met Gala
Arty party – Future Collective Revel is Brisbane's answer to the Met Gala

Arty party – Future Collective Revel is Brisbane’s answer to the Met Gala

Every year when the Met Gala rolls around, it’s hard not to get at least a teensy bit of FOMO. The combination of stunning frocks, priceless art and a pure party atmosphere is impossible to resist – after all, there are very few occasions in the calendar year where we get to dust off our finery and indulge in pure revelry. If you’re a fan of fabulous soirees and fine art, your time has come – GOMA is hosting its annual Future Collective Revel and you’re going to want to be there.

Coming in hot for its third year, Future Collective Revel is a part-celebration and part-fundraiser that ties in directly with its namesake foundation. In case you don’t know what it is, allow us to shed some light on this mysterious Future Collective – it’s basically a group of benevolent, art-loving legends that is dedicated to throwing its financial support behind our amazing galleries. As you can imagine, maintaining a collection of world-class artworks doesn’t come cheap – which is where we can help (in the convenient form of partying). All of the proceeds raised from Revel go directly into supporting the development of both the Queensland Art Gallery and the Gallery of Modern Art through the QAGOMA Foundation.

If you’re curious as to what a ticket to Future Collective Revel entails, we can fill you in there. First of all, you get exclusive after-hours access to the incredible and thought-provoking Patricia Piccinini: Curious Affection exhibition, which finishes up on the weekend of Revel – so if you haven’t managed to see it yet, why not go for it in impeccable style? It wouldn’t be a party without some delicious libations – you will be treated to a special cocktail on arrival and flowing drinks throughout the night. A delicious dinner by the bite created by GOMA’s award-winning food and beverage team will keep appetites satiated, and the killer DJ Black AMEX will be spinning tunes to get you dancing. Psst … if you want a sneak peek at how cool the party is, take a look at our Captured gallery from last year’s event.

If a party with a purpose sounds like your idea of a good time, you can snap up tickets to Future Collective Revel through GOMA.

To find out more about what’s on in Brisbane, head to our Event Guide.


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