Absorb new cultures with Encounters:India

Absorb new cultures with Encounters:India

India is a nation that is host to a vibrant and exotic culture, but one that is often overshadowed by the opulence of its architectural feats. While the allure of the Taj Mahal and the country’s other national landmarks will never lose appeal, India also has a bustling arts scene, which it is ready to showcase to the world. Soon South Bank will introduce a foray into Indian culture with Encounters:India, in collaboration with Queensland Conservatorium.

The Encounters series is a cultural event that is held for a week every two to three years. It is an opportunity for Brisbanites to explore a country or culture they may not have much knowledge about, in regards to its culture and the arts. Encounters:India will be the fourth in the series – previously these events have explored the Pacific, China and the relationships between white and black Australia.

Encounters:India will involve a slew of students and staff from the Queensland Conservatorium, who will collaborate in performing an array of concerts, recitals, seminars, forums and discussions on India. This will explore all manner of creative subjects, from music to art, dance, film, fashion and cuisine, and will be held from May 13–19.

Not just limited to the halls of the conservatorium itself, Encounters:India will be casually spread throughout the South Bank precinct, from Griffith Film School to the Gallery of Modern Art. In the seven days of the fiesta, more than 70 events will be staged, with 70 artists performing in a handful of different locations. A full program of Encounters:India is available online.


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