Grow healthy herbs with minimal work with the Spacepot by Future Farms
Grow healthy herbs with minimal work with the Spacepot by Future Farms
Grow healthy herbs with minimal work with the Spacepot by Future Farms

Grow healthy herbs with minimal work with the Spacepot by Future Farms

The word hydroponic gets a bad wrap. Let’s put the ‘stoner’ associations aside, when you break it down hydroponic translates to ‘water’ (hydro) and ‘work’ (ponos). Although hydroponic systems allow for bigger and healthier growth, the idea that it takes a while to set up dissuades many. Future Farms is shaking up the connotations associated with the word hydroponic, creating a range of low-maintenance herb planters that allow users to grow seeds easily.

Taking care of herbs can sometimes be difficult for time poor individuals. From preventing possums having a nibble of your leafy babies to ensuring they get enough light and water, it’s easy to lose motivation. Los Angeles-based designers Future Farms is leading the charge in personal hydroponics, using the technique to foster sustainable micro practices. The latest product – the SpacePot – is a herb vessel that can be placed anywhere in the home to grow seeds with no pumps or electricity needed.

The SpacePot is easy to use, boasting roughly three steps to ensure your herbs grow strong and healthy. Simply add some nutrient solution to the SpacePot reservoir, place the GrowPod into the vessel and place some seeds inside, then wait. Soon enough your herbs will start sprouting – that is if you remember to give it plenty of sunlight and love. Head to the Future Farms website to have a closer look at the SpacePot, then find a suitable spot in your kitchen to place it close at hand.


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